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PrevisionGroup develops software for education and scientific & research tasks.

New games
New game "Persuade the girl to remain!" was created for man's Internet audience. In the game, young men are offered to feel themselves in the situation when a girl leaves from you and to check up your forces and possibilities to return her. The game target: you must talk with your girl correctly that she has agreed to remain with you!

New game "Dear, let's get married!" was created for women's Internet audience. In the game, girls are offered to feel themselves in a role of the bride which wants to register the relationships with young man officially. The game target: you must talk with your young man correctly that he has agreed to marry on you!

New tests
New test "FEAR-TEST" was created for wide Internet audience. The test allows you to define your fears, and also to estimate degree of influence of various fears on your current condition and life. The test target: to help you to understand influence of your fears on your life, that is your fears help or prevent to live you!

New 8-color Luscher Color Test (8-color version of Luscher Color Test) was created for wide Internet audience. The test (the test time is 20-25 minutes) is intended for complex diagnostics, acquisition of work collectives, express diagnostics of an actual condition of the person, psychological diagnostics in pedagogical and medical institutions. The test target: to give you the information on your desirable or valid condition on the basis of the analysis of your color preferences!

New programs
New program ArchimedES represents the specialized software developed for the automatic control system of accuracy with functions of technical diagnostics. In this program, the modern algorithms for digital processing of discrete signals were realized, which based on theoretical and methodical researches in the field of automatic control and technical diagnostics of turning processing.

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